This month's Foodwatch Newsletter gives you great tips and tricks for managing your weight when you travel. We all know that travel can be a moving feast and when we get home we've piled on unwanted kilos/cms around the middle. Read the October edition of the Foodwatch Newsletter to find out what you can do to stop the unwanted expansion of your waistline.
That's why in our October newsletter we cover the following topics:
Were also doing our bit for World Diabetes Day on 4 November 2013. Do you know the difference between Types 1 and 2 diabetes? We explain and we tell you how you can participate in World Diabetes Day.
And of course there's What's new on the Website and our Product of the Month. This month we review the Easy Diet Diary App - great for everyday as well as when you're travelling to keep track of your intake.
So take a look now or subscribe so you get our monthly newsletter delivered to your Inbox!