Do you have cravings - this might help

Written by Catherine Saxelby on Wednesday, 25 January 2023.

Do you have cravings - this might help
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Cravings are a habit and we all seem to have them. In this month's newsletter, I look at a new app which helps us conquer cravings by using mindfulness techniques. 

This month I look at this and more... 

In this January edition of the Foodwatch newsletter, I discuss the recommended daily serves of vegetables and a US study which lists the categories of vegetables, and the form in which they are consumed to total your vegetable intake.

I’ll also share the latest posts from the new Foodwatch website, take you to the top posts from 2022 and talk about an app called Urge Surf.  And there is a 50% discount on my e-book 'The Super Powers of Veg" to help you with great veg ideas. 

You can find the January Newsletter online here, or better still, why not  subscribe?

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