Catherine's Freebie Downloads

Written by Catherine Saxelby on Wednesday, 10 October 2012.
Tagged: Foodwatch website, health, healthy weight loss, nutrients, nutrition, portion size, salad, salt, weight loss, wellness

Catherine's Freebie Downloads
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Looking for a fact sheet? Or a free download? Here's where you can find all my free full-colour PDF downloads in one place. Print them out and stick on the fridge.

Creative Commons LicenceThese free Foodwatch Fact Sheets by Catherine Saxelby are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License and are based on works at

Contact Catherine directly for permission beyond the scope of this license eg to reproduce a fact sheet in a publication that's for sale or on another website.

Downloads / Fact Sheets

Sitting Table To Eat headless female pdf 6 ways to fool your stomach (205 KB)

 Here are 6 healthy - yet simple and painless - ways to help yourself feel fuller on fewer kilojoules or calories.

You will be surprised at how easy they are!

Sugar in Bowl Square pdf Sugar - are you sweet enough? (470 KB)

How much sugar is OK to eat? How much is in a bottle of sports drink? Or a doughnut? How can you tell from the label what's high and what's low? 

Find out where the sugar is hidden in your diet and which foods are likely to be the biggest sources. Plus easy ways to cut back without noticing.

Popcorn square pdf Portion  caution (857 KB)

See how portion sizes have gradually gotten bigger and why a super-sized portion means you'll eat more!

Plus my 10 tips for spotting the not-so-healthy supersize craze. Think portion size control! I often say stap eating AFTER the first three mouthfuls of dessert!

Juice orange Stk smll pdf Juices and juicing - don't drink the calories (464 KB)

Juices are fat-free and healthy but they are fruit in concentrated form - high in natural sugars, kilojoules/calories and easy to over-consume.

You couldn't chomp your way through 2 or 3 oranges in a minute but I bet you could easily drink in one large glass of fresh juice. Be warned. 

Hunger Woman Feeling 200x200 pdf Hunger-Fullness Log (524 KB)

Rate your feelings of hunger from 0 to 10 over the day and use my handy log to track it over a day.  You'll soon realise when you eat out of mouth hunger, not stomach hunger.  In contrast, rate your fullness level from "quite satisfied" to "overstuffed" so you can work out a nice comfortable point of fullness (satiety) to stop eating. Works with ANY diet or program.

pdf 7 reasons why you should eat more fibre (165 KB) Fibre FS LR

Eating more fibre is one of the simplest ways to improve your daily diet. Read up on how much you need and learn easy swaps to boost your fibre whether cereal or snacks.

There's a recipe makeover to read through so you can revamp your favourites. Plus my 7 easy ways to eat more fibre.

Burger with French Fries and a Cola pdf Fast food - healthy options (230 KB)

Burgers, fries, pizza and nuggets. Learn how you can stay healthy but still eat fast food. See how the fat and kilojoules (calories) stack up and how super-sizing is the norm. Plus my top 10 healthiest take-aways listed so you can choose when you're out or on the road.

Eating Out Celebration pdf Eating out on a diet (100 KB)

Is your excess weight due to your eating out? It's no coincidence that eating out is on the rise as the same time as we face an obesity crisis. Eating out often means more fat, more sugar, salt, alcohol and kilojoules (calories) than when we cook at home. Read my 7 tips to help you eat light when you eat out.

heart pdf 7 diet secrets for busy bodies (130 KB)

Losing weight is never easy. Try these 7 tips to help your weight loss efforts along. Diets come and go but these are solid principles that stay the same and are part of every successful diet plan. 

Salt shaker by male hand pdf 7 steps to less salt (233 KB)

Salt is the hidden villain in our food supply. We have no idea how much salt we're eating as many modern foods don't taste all that salty! Discover my 7 quick ways to cut back on salt and see what a difference buying low-salt and no-added-salt products can make.

A must-read if you have high blood pressure, Meniere's syndrome or any sort of fluid retention. 

pdf A salad a day keeps the kilos away (1023 KB)
Salad tossed green JK

A tossed salad is a great way to make any meal - even pizza or fish and chips - more balanced. Read the 10 healthy reasons why you should eat a salad each day. It's all to do with kilojoule-density (or calorie-density). If you're trying to slim down, it's a good idea to order a salad as an appetiser. It fills you up for few kilojoules.

Veges green tray pdf 12 steps to healthy eating (91 KB)

Refresh yourself with the basics of healthy eating with my 12 easy steps.  The more you understand, the better you'll be able to shop, cook and eat. A simple one page summary of what's what in the field of nutrition.